If you believe that your home is well overdue for a makeover, continue reading to discover how to give your home a makeover without breaking the bank.
Inspirational Home Decor Ideas:
1. Use bold patterns to instantly take any room to the next level
If you assumed that you’d have to replace your furniture or to paint your walls a vibrant color in order to totally change the look and feel of a room, think again. By carefully adding bold patterns to each room, you’ll easily be able to add a chic aesthetic to any room.
As an example, you may want to give your home office a stylish touch by decorating an old, worn out bookcase with wallpaper that boasts a bold, fun print. Or if you’re looking to give your lounge a bit of a makeover, you may want to place a rug that features a quirky geometric print in your lounge.
2. Hang canvas wall prints of your favorite photos on your walls
Instead of getting physical copies of your favorite photos to place on your walls, opt to get large canvas wall prints of your favorite people, memories and places to display on your walls. As an example, you may want to place canvas prints of your family vacations in your hallway or to place a photo that you took at your favorite beach on your bathroom wall.
There’s no hard and fast rules when it comes to selecting photos to display as canvas prints, simply opt for photos that make you smile and which have a special significance to you or to others in your household.
3. Place wall decals on your walls
If you don’t want to commit to painting your walls or placing new wall paper on your walls, you can express your personality on your walls by hand selecting decorative wall decals to place on some of the blank walls in your home.
As an example, you may be keen on placing a quote about the importance of family, on one of the walls in your kitchen, or you may want to place wall decals of your children’s favorite book characters on the walls in their rooms.
One of the advantages of using wall decals to transfer the look of rooms is that if you ever grow tired of them, you’ll be able to remove them within a minute. So if you’re the type of person who gets sick of decor easily, you’ll love using wall decals to decorate your home.
4. Create a family noticeboard to hang in your home
If you have an artistic flair, use your creative talents to create a family noticeboard such as a cork board, where your family members will be able to pin messages, invitations and art work.
Alternatively, why not use a blackboard paint to turn a feature wall into a giant, over sized family blackboard? That your whole family will enjoy using and that you’ll probably have more fun using than your kids.
5. Consider hanging a decorative glass light fixture in your home
For those of you who are lucky enough to own homes which boast high ceilings, consider hanging a decorative glass light fixture in your home which will catch and reflect light and which will sparkle during daylight hours.
So if your home is well in need of a makeover, use a few of the ideas listed above in order to give your home the makeover which it deserves.
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